LDT Law – S.C.R.L
Rue Simonon 13 (Place de Bronckart)
4000 Liège
VAT : BE0466.738.066
Comptes honoraires BE74 2400 3881 0007 - BE68 7320 0870 8934
Compte tiers BE63 2400 3881 0108
General tel +32 4 254 43 10
Fax +32 4 252 75 11 and +32 4 254 43 35
The secretary’s office is at your service from 8 a.m. until 7 p.m. (6 p.m. on Fridays) every working day.
Once a dossier is open, it is preferable to contact the secretary of the lawyer concerned directly.
Commercial, corporate, civil and judiciary law department
Mme Sophie Mairesse - +32 4 254 43 34 - secretariat-commercial@ldtlaw.be
Fiscal law department
Mme Pina Gattuso - +32 4 254 43 15 - pina.gattuso@ldtlaw.be
Mme Françoise Balthasar - +32 4 254 43 13 - francoise.balthasar@ldtlaw.be
How to find us
Our firm occupies two townhouses close to place de Bronckart and Guillemins TGV railway station. It is easy to get to our offices from the city’s railway stations and the E 25 / E 40 motorway axes.
By car
On the Brussels-Luxembourg motorway (E40/E25 link), take exit no. 36 - follow the signs to “gare Guillemins – TGV” - drive under the motorway and railway track. At the roundabout, follow the signs to “gare Guillemins – TGV” and take the second street to the left, rue Simonon. The entrance to the firm is at number 13, on the right-hand side of the road.
By train
Alight at Guillemins - TGV railway station, main exit, turn left (follow motorway signs). In rue du Plan Incliné, take the second street on the right, rue Simonon. The firm is located at number 13, roughly 500 metres from the railway station.