Xavier Thiebaut

Collaborates with


Françoise Balthasar

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Xavier Thiebaut


Born in 1970
Graduated in Law from the University of Liège in 1993
Aanvullende studies fiscaliteit bij K.U. Leuven 1994
Lawyer since 1994
Training in appeal procedures 2007


Fiscal law

Preferred fields

Taxation of companies and directors, taxation of the real estate sector, VAT

Other titles and activities

Lectures at University of Liège (Tax Institute)
Member of the editing committee of the journal FJF (Fiscale Jurisprudentie - Jurisprudence fiscale)
Member of the editing committee of the journal RFRL (Revue de Fiscalité Régionale et Locale)

Knowledge of languages

  • French
  • Dutch
  • German
  • English